Designed as a head-to-toe concelment system, A-TACS Camo™
(Advanced Tactical Concealment System)
is available in two color schemes: AU and FG. These revolutionary patterns help you blend into any battlefield, from urban to forested,
giving you the extra seconds' advantage.

 A-TACS AU Camo™

A-TACS AU Camo™ features revolutionary digital pattern that replaces traditional square pixels with small, organically-shaped pixels.
These small shapes form micro and macro layers,
creating a unique "pattern within a pattern" appearance.
This effectively breaks up the human outline at a greater range of distances.
The colors in A-TACS AU Camo™ are digitally sampled from
real-world elements for enhanced concealment in rocky, arid and urban environments.


A-TACS FG Camo™ features a new organic pattern and a color set sampled
directly from forested and transitional terrain.
A-TACS FG Camo™ features the same "pattern within a pattern" technology found in A-TACS AU Camo™, but includes a greater range of lights and darks to create the illusion of depth and to mimic the shadowing found in heavily wooded areas.
A-TACS FG Camo™ thrives in areas with dense foliage and variable lighting.


The newest camouflage pattern in our line-up. As the name indicates, new A-TACS LE Camo was developed for Law Enforcement professionals. The pattern combines various shades of grey, blue and black and utilizes the trademark “organic pixel” look developed by DCS for its original A-TACS AU Camo pattern. A-TACS LE also incorporates variable angles and urban forms derived from photography and effectively utilizes an even blend of light and shadow to create unique pattern with a slight horizontal flow. Additionally, A-TACS LE Camo  was developed to work with variable combinations of black or blue nylon gear and other equipment allowing municipalities and departments the option to easily upgrade their kit on an “as needed” basis, gradually phasing in new items while still maintaining a cohesive and uniform appearance.

3/4 Inch Infrared IR Tape IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) Infrarot
9,95 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Pistolenbeinholster HDT-camo rechts
9,95 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
1 Inch Infrared IR Tape IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) Infrarot
13,95 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
2 Inch Infrared IR Tape IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) Infrarot
14,95 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
PROPPER 6 Panel Baseball Cap A-TACS LE
16,95 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Leo Köhler Tactical Ripstop Cap A-TACS iX
16,95 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
US Army OCP Scorpion Tan 499 Cat Eye BAND Helmet - 3 SIDED
16,95 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Helikon Tex BRASS ROLL® Dump Pouch - Cordura® - A-TACS iX
Ein offenes pouch, wo ein schnellen Zugriff benötigt wird, für leere Magazine und Ausrüstungsstücke, Handschuhe, etc.
19,95 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
US BDU Bermuda Rip Stop HDT-camo LE
24,95 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
US BDU Bermuda Rip Stop HDT-camo AU
24,95 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
US BDU Bermuda Rip Stop HDT-camo FG
24,95 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
24,95 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
1 bis 20 (von insgesamt 41)